This is the first week of summer vacation. We took the boys camping this past weekend to Yogi Bear. They had a good time swimming and playing on the playground. We found out they are growing up fast, as they played for hours on the playground while we watched from our campsite.
Both Josiah and Isaac started swimming lessons this week. They go 5 days a week for 2weeks, in the morning. First day dan and I were worrying the lessons would scare them from the water. These are serious lessons. Neither of the boys have really swam without life jackets before. The first day they had all the kids take turns swimming the length of the pool. Josiah went in after two nine year old boys who swam the whole length. He tried his best and made it 1/4 of the way. They had him get out and sit along the side of the pool to decide which level he would be at. Isaac came along and got in the pool with help and got out of the pool. He is in the lowest level and Josiah is in the third level. The first day Isaac wore a bubble around his belly and a noodle. He was told to move along the wall with his hands. Problem...he wouldn't move. By the end of the class, he was doing a little better. When I told him we were coming back the next morning, he told me he didn't want to do his lips. I think they wanted him to put his face in the water. "No mom i'm not doing my lips." By day two he was swimming all over with the noodle and bubble. He was waving to us in the bleachers, swimming backwards..not listening to his instructor. Josiah has enjoyed the lessons from day one. He loves the water and got to swim with fins on his feet. I think we found something he really enjoys with swimming.