Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The boys are off to school

The boys started school last week. Josiah is in first grade this year...where has the time gone? He loves school and his new teacher Mr. Bateman. He rides the bus and is growing up before my eyes. We are so proud of him! Isaac has started kindergarten this year. He has the same teacher Josiah had last year. We love Mrs. McCormick, she is great with the kids. He will be the class clown!!! He is very young for kindergaten so we hope he adjusts well to it. Mom and Dad have already had some time to ourselves while the kids are off at school. We celebrated our 10 year anniversary by going golfing and out to lunch. We decided against taking a vacation and each got something new. Hint... mine is sparkly.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Catching up....

The house is quiet.....today is the first day of school. Pictures and details of that to come. For now, I am catching up with blogging. We took a trip to Frankenmuth Michigan about three weeks ago. We went camping at the yogi bear, and the main point of the trip was to spend the day with Thomas the Tank Engine. Isaac had such a good time. He really thought he was at the Island of Sodor. We had such a good time just our little family. The campground had an indoor pool. Shade for daddy, sun area for mommy. They both could ride their bikes (without training wheels) down the roads of the campground. We could walk to the downtown area of Frankenmuth. We even shopped for school clothes in Birch Run. So much fun!!

Michigan Adventure

We took a trip to Michigan Adventure back in August. We went to celebrate Grandpa Trap's birthday. The boys had a great time with their cousins, Max and Ross.